Definition of Sensory overload

1. Noun. Receipt of too much information or stimulation at once, leading to an inability to process the same. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sensory Overload

sensory cortex
sensory crossway
sensory decussation of medulla oblongata
sensory deprivation
sensory epilepsy
sensory faculty
sensory ganglion
sensory gating
sensory hair
sensory image
sensory memory
sensory nerve
sensory neuron
sensory neuronopathy
sensory nuclei
sensory overload
sensory overloads
sensory paralysis
sensory precipitated epilepsy
sensory receptor
sensory receptors
sensory root of ciliary ganglion
sensory root of pterygopalatine ganglion
sensory root of trigeminal nerve
sensory speech centre
sensory system
sensory system agents
sensory thresholds
sensory tract
sensu lato

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